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Mombosses have Faith Over Fear

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

Are you in alignment with your purpose?

Are you sharing your super powers with others?

Are you feeling that you are giving your best self to those that you love the most?

These are a few questions Angela asked us on today's episode for Momma's making commas and I loved how even though she is faith centred as a coach she was able to make it relatable to everyone.

I relate so much to Angela because I too loved my job but I wasn't my best self and I knew something had to give.

I couldn/t give up my family. I couldn't give up my health without paying for it later, so I had to make a choice.

I chose family, fitness, and fun over working for someone else. This meant taking a risk, trusting my instinct, and having faith it would work out one way or another.

It's kind of like Hocus Pocus. You have to lean on others, believe in yourself, and play full out but you can overcome obstacles!

The question really is do you have the courage to fight for those things that matter most to you? What are you willing to give up or re-shift to make your dream life a reality?

Angela is a mom of 3 boys with a passion for helping women unpackage their doubts and fears and help them realign their actions to what matters most. You can connect with her

You can hear her story on our Youtube Channel or Podcast.

You see today I shared 4 ways you can increase your revenue in your existing business:

1) more customers

2) customers shopping more often

3) customers spending more per order

4) duplicating yourself

I will be sharing a deeper dive on a future podcast so make sure you subscribe!

I am loving interviewing successful momma's making commas on our podcast and am looking for more momprenuers willing to share their top 3 tips to inspire others beginning their journey! You can apply here

Don't have a hot clue how to become a momma making $$ in the pockets of your day? I got you! Watch my 19 minute training video here

If you love this post a comment and if you want to connect reach out!

xo Kate Moir

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