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Being a mom mean's making choices...tough choices!

Maybe you are a mom, maybe you aren't but either way, in business we have to make tough choices. It's why last summer I started my VLOG to interview moms that have made tough choices to become entrepreneurs so they could have that freedom and flexibility to be both mom and boss at the same time without having to miss a thing.

Meet Dr. Patricia Petralba of Thrive Life Centre.

Dr. Petralba knew she had to make a shift when she became a mom. As a doctor, she loved her patients, but needed to put her kids first! So she made a shift and she now DOES BOTH!

She has this amazing freebie Thriving Women Formula workbook. you can grab to navigate your current state of well-being and learn ways to thrive! All while eliminating the fads and trends we are bombarded with.

You can learn more about her here OR hear her story in our 12 minute interview here -->

I feel like the closer I get to 40, the more sensitive I am to how tough being a woman truly is! I am diving deep into women's health and learning so much about the phases we go through, from periods to menopause and beyond! Wow, all I can say is I am not looking forward to Menopause! Brain fog, night sweats, sleep issues, and more. BLAH. Being a woman is hard. Being a momboss is hard. But we don't have to do it alone!

I am enjoying the conversations we are having on social! If you want to join the conversation reply back with your answer to this question and I'll share how you can enter to win a SPA gift card this Valentine's Day for any spa of your choice (winner chooses

Comment below!

xo Kate Moir

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