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Momma, You Can Make Money
Doing What you LOVE!

You deserve to live a life as a momma based off of you heart. If you are here, then please know we are committed to help mom's take out the busy works to build the business of their dreams! We want you to rise above to have time with loved ones, and time to do what makes you happy as well!

Our Momma's Have Completely Increased Their INCOME. 

Now is the time to start your business if you can! There is no time like the present moment. We are lucky to live in a time where we can connect with like minded individuals around the world. As you learn and grow, you can become even more successful over time. So don't wait until its too late! Our momma's have done well with the strategies provided in this membership as you'll see with our testimonials. So don't put this off any further!

"Kate's strategy helped me make $526 in only 15 minutes! Super fun and easy!" 

-Allie D - Canada

"By implementing Kate's 90 day strategy. I increased my sales  from $260 a month to $5,152!  Her systems work and the numbers speak for themselves!"

Susan B, MN

Join Our Membership!

Profit Authentically With
Little to No Time

Shift Your Mindset

Oftentimes women struggle to meet success because they don't know what it takes to get there. They try a bunch of different routes that lead them nowhere. Learn a new way!

Cut Out the Fluff

Many programs offer great support but are filled with heavy and distracting busy work. Understand the core of what is important and cut out the rest... so you can rest!

Use Profitable Actions

Take only truly profitable actions for success that are still authentic to you. It takes courage to up-level your business in this way but you will be so glad you did!

Weekly Success Trainings

Profitable Action Checklist

Motivation & Accountability 

Circle of Empowered Mommas

Less Breakdowns
& Bigger Break Throughs

If you have too much going on, trying to build a business can be even more stressful with no strategy. It is difficult when you are trying to take actions towards money time freedom, and having to work to the point of exhaustion. Learn profitable actions and how to gain clients authentically and with more strategy, so that your mind is clear and you can take action.

Find Confidence with the
Backbone of Business

This membership will give you the gift of cutting out all of the fluff! This means more time with your kids and more time to take profitable actions. These actions will be shared with you in our trainings to help you profit and continue to scale your business to new levels! As an owner of multiple 6 figure businesses and as a momma, Kate can with you the steps that need to be taken towards success.

Hello, I'm Kate!

I'm here to help moms profit with little time.

Hello! I'm so glad you are looking to elevate as MOM business owner! I am Kate Moir, the Founder and CEO of Wealth & Wellness Mommas and the Mommas Making Commas Podcast! I take pride in helping mommas take direct action towards sales authentically so that they can start their own business with little to no time. It does require taking action and a dose of courage, but I believe in you and that you can do this like so many of the women we have helped already! Join us, and it will be nice to meet you!

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Results Oriented | We have helped...

"Kate helped me diversify my income streams without spending more than an extra 15 minutes a day!" - Diana

"Kate gives you the authentic accountability you can’t get from any upline, sideline or Downline" - Carissa


"Kate is creative and innovative - Always thinking outside the box" - Rochelle

Examples of Trainings


 How to Build Relationships Off Social Media

How to Build an Organic Lead Funnel

 How to Design Your Freebie to Build Your Followers & Audience


How to Maximize 15 Minute Pockets of Your Day


Tips the Top 1% Don’t Want You to Know


The Income Producing Activities You Should Have as a Non Negotiable


How to Grow Your Team Without Being Spammy


& oh so much more!


The Mom Boss Collective Membership

-Weekly Success Trainings - Motivation & Accountability - Profitable Action Checklist - A Circle of Empowered Momma's

Coach-ability & Accountability

Are you coachable? We sure hope you are so that you can build your dream business and make thing happen. The more open you are to trying new things that are still authentic to you, the more successful you will be. We are here for it! We also understand life can be chaotic and challenging at times especially with little ones. This membership also offers follow ups to hold you accountable to your dreams!

"Kate keeps it so simple that you can instantly apply her trainings and have results while she is training! Her scripts are a life saver!" - Michelle

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I'm here to help!

This membership is here to provide ongoing support so that you meet your vision. I can't wait to meet you!

 I am a courageous and visionary leader that collaborates and empowers women worldwide showing them real-time strategies to build their dream careers in the pockets of their day so they can avoid burnout and breakdown and instead, have a breakthrough! I have built multiple 6-figure businesses as a network marketer and coach, and share my tips and tricks with moms worldwide ready to dive into Entrepreneurship. ​If I can do this while living in a small town with no stoplight, you can too!  I have two girls, a husband that works 24/7 on call, and 4 dogs.


"Kate keeps it so simple that you can instantly apply her trainings and have results while she is training! Her scripts are a life saver!"

Di C. 

"Brilliant! Seriously!! I’ll take any course, training, offering Kate has. They are pure gold" 


"Sales up 49%
Sponsorship up 66%
Team sales up 90%
So grateful for Kate and her training!"

It is time to take different actions for a different outcome.

Know What Specific Actions to Take

Get Inspired With Helpful Trainings

Grow Your Business to the Next Level

Feel Empowered & Ready to Take on the World!

End Your Day at 10:00 AM
If Wanted Like Kate Has & Continue to Profit

Learn how Kate made money online by ending her work day by 10am or a time of her choice depending on her goals of the season. We want mom's lives to be fun life so they can enjoy their kids, and not miss a moment! A business hustle can be a good thing until it gets to be too much. When this happens we lose motivation, excitement, and enthusiasm.


When starting a business, many mom's take a hundred steps to try to make money and then end up burnt out. Then they miss out on success and having energy for their kiddos at the end of the day. We don't want this for you. Don't waste time throwing spaghetti at the wall. In this membership you will will learn how to take super potent action steps towards profit. It does take work and courage, but you will be amazed as you find it helps you towards making money!

Have Time to Enjoy Your Kids
& Loved Ones

Want to spend summers and afternoons with your kids? Want more money for vacations and fun excursions? Ready to have extra income to fun your personal development courses or spa days out?! Want to create a business that allows you to define your own schedule? Our membership program helps offer the opportunity to help start a successful business and increase income for your family. With our support and resources, you can take steps toward building a business that will allow you the freedom to spend more time with your loved ones as well as the time pursue your passions. It takes work, but it can bring so many opportunities! We believe that the knowledge of how to grow a profitable business should be accessible, so join our membership today to begin your journey to the life you want to live.

Every call I get a nugget! From saving time sending messages to templates and magic sentences that sell, Kate is a wealth of knowledge that every momprenuer can benefit from."

- Suzanne

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Weekly Success Trainings - Motivation & Accountability - Profitable Action Checklist - A Circle of Empowered Momma's

What People are Saying..

"Being around Kates energy fills your cup and reignites your spark to dream bigger and take more strategic action!" - Janyne

"In this busy life Kate holds my interest and presents concepts clearly and concisely so I can get the goods and move on with taking action!"

- Jean

"Kate helped me in one session reset my intentions to increase my business 10x and we laid out a solid plan exactly how to do it! Pure magic! "

Feel Lighter In a
Community That Gets It!

Many membership communities are amazing but don't have the full support and understanding of what it is like to have kids along with hundreds of other responsibilities. When you have a community that is a good fit, you will feel motivation and relief. Blocks won't feel so huge, and you will move with more clarity. You'll see that you can be successful with kids screaming the background, and with your little one running up to ask you a question in the middle of your zoom call. You will be surrounded by women with tips and ideas for you of how they have found balance in their business while becoming successful! It's what every momma needs!

Bring Happiness and Light
to the World & Your Life!

Our membership program is designed to empower women to make a real difference in the world by building successful businesses. By joining our community, you'll be able to access expert resources and support, connect with other entrepreneurs, and gain the confidence and inspiration you need to achieve your goals.

Last Chance!

We hope you don't pass up this amazing opportunity to learn REAL strategies that have helped so many. If you are a momma with little time, this is as a wonderful opportunity!

Join us and hope to see you there!

You Don't Want to Miss this!

"If you don’t have a non-negotiable list you need to coach with Kate! A total mindset shift that unleashed my results!"

"As a business owner I’m busy but not always productive She helped me simplify so I was more productive working less!"

As Shared Above

Kate's strategy helped me make $526 in only 15 minutes! Super fun and easy!" 

-Allie D - Canada

"By implementing Kate's 90 day strategy. I increased my sales  from $260 a month to $5,152!  Her systems work and the numbers speak for themselves!"

Susan B, MN

It's time for change! See you there!

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